What would you do?

In our last couple of blogs, we talked about getting to a Quantum Leap and how being surrounded by a supportive environment (like a Playing to Win Team) can be a bridge to it - but less about our resistance in getting there.
We’ve discussed that resistance to following a proven process is like eliminating key ingredients of an award-winning recipe and expecting the same delicious outcome. When we change the process (or omit critical parts of it), we get different (and often disappointing) results.
When that happens, we are reminded, usually by someone who wants us to succeed, that we need to simply follow the process to get the desired outcome. (My husband, who is invested in supporting me in my endeavors, might lovingly remind me that a Big Mac and fries are not the best weight loss tools to help me reach my goal.)
And how does that work?
Poorly, from my observation. We resist. We do just enough to get someone off our back and then go back to what makes us comfortable. We choose to follow the parts of the process that we like and cast aside those we don’t.
The Result: we do not achieve sustainable forward progress toward our quantum leap until we give up our resistance to following the process - the ENTIRE process.
Here is my question: How would you support someone who wants to veer when things get tough and who resists following the process?
I’m sincerely curious about this and would appreciate your thoughts if you’re willing to share them.