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Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

The Power of Working Together – Unpacked
Do you canoe alone or row in tandem? Let's unpack the power of working together.

Numbers tell a story. Hi, it's Denise again. Today I want to talk about something that came up in one of our Playing to Win Teams. We are coming to the end of a 12-week stint. And we are talking about where we are in relation to our goals, we actually called it the fourth quarter locker room conversation. And inside of that, we started to look at someone who had a gap. And one of the team members said, "numbers tell a story."

And she went on to say, "it's not personal." If you can look at, say you have 50 conversations, and out of those 50 conversations you look for how many appointments did result from that, and of those appointments, how many of those turned into sales. And what that's showing you, those numbers over time will show you where the points of improvement are needed. Such as "I leave a lot of voicemails, and people don't call me back," or "I have lots of conversations, but nothing converted to an appointment." So now we can zoom in on where the help is needed.

Now, let me relate this to a client I have right now, who is as many of us are, dealing in an economy that is unpredictable right now, because we are in a recession. So he unlike many has decided to stay the course and not layoff people, not cut expenses. But to do that he had to go to his inside Salesforce and say, "I need your help. We all need to make outbound calls." And he gave them a list and everybody was kind of doing their own thing and calling when they could and they were literally paddling their own canoe.

I came into the mix and listened to what they were doing and pulled them together to have them row as a team together. So what we're doing is everyone's making commitments to make an hour a day of calls. They're tracking the information so you can see the points of where improvement needs to happen.

That's the value of Playing to Win Together and then we're having these weekly meetings and we're learning from each other. And one of the people just had an awesome conversation in which he learned all sorts of things that will help the entire team. So we'll bring that to Friday's meeting. That's why numbers tell a story.

So in future videos, we will break down some of those points of improvement. How to leave a voicemail that has people respond back to you, not just delete it. What to do when someone's blowing you off and you don't know what to do about it. How to deal with the objections that come. How to deal with your own internal dialogue. So more to come on this. So stay tuned.