Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Allowing for LAG Time
What is LAG Time? In one of my recent blogs, I talked about things that happen that make us want to veer or give up on the way to a goal when it gets hard. I mentioned the 5 predictable emotional stages we go through whenever we embark on change (Revisiting the Emotional Cycle of Change). Someone commented that they found the blog helpful and asked how you Stay the Course when things get hard. Well, the answer is simple but not easy.
The simple, but not easy answer is to allow for LAG Time. Allow me to expand on this. Years ago when I started my business I set a yearly sales goal and each year, try as I might, I fell short of the goal. Then the following year I would up the goal and fall short again, up the goal and again fall short, this went on for several years and I started to see myself as someone who only achieved 65-75% of my goals.
OH NO, I’m an underachiever, I must work harder!!!
As I was bemoaning my shortcomings and doubting my business acumen, one of my mentors said; “Denise you are not an underachiever you are just not allowing LAG Time.” When I asked what he meant, he pointed out that I did achieve each and every one of my goals; it was just that my timeline was off.
You see, when I first started with a franchise company in 2007, I set a very aggressive 1st-year goal that wasn’t achieved until my 2nd year and continued to insistently up the ante each and every year going forward. And each year, I would fall short, failing to notice that I always hit the number - it just took longer than I thought it should.
The LAG……lead to a lot of angst and anxiety on my part; numerous times I doubted myself and want to veer and throw in the towel.
Can you relate? But what helped me stay the course was being in a community of people that provided support, encouragement, and accountability that helped me keep putting one foot in front of the other.
That is why I created Playing to Win Together Teams - to help me and others Stay the Course and not let Doubt Take Us Out!