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Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Dealing with Disruption: Part 2

A few weeks ago, I talked about dealing with disruption in the face of our kitchen remodel, how it was on me, and how my husband was not affected by it. As the weeks progressed, I got used to it and adapted to making dinners with only a hot plate, a mini microwave, and a grill. But I knew the major upheaval was coming when the flooring would be laid since it was going across the entire 1st floor!

Every surface had to be cleared of pictures, books, lamps, knick-knacks & tchotchkes, and that was the easy part! Then every piece of furniture was upended, piled, or pushed somewhere other than where it belonged, as they ripped up the carpeting, leveled the subfloor, and started laying the new hardwood floor. Even the bathroom where I used to wash my dishes in was now crammed with furniture. The good news is, it’s only going to be this way for 3 days and I’m handling it well. The bad news is my husband isn’t! (I think it’s because he can’t watch TV, and for some strange reason all of our TVs are tied to the main one in the family room.)


I’m learning how to “Be with it” and accept that dealing with disruption is a very good trait to have. And what I’m discovering is, this remodel is a physical manifestation of what it’s like to transform something: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Whether that be your body, your finances, or your relationships. And yes, it’s often bad and ugly before it’s good.
