Last week I talked about how to address struggle; now let's talk disruption. This week, I want to talk about DISRUPTION because our kitchen remodeling project has begun and there is lots and lots of disruption everywhere!
There is stuff all over the place and everything is a mess, which I fully expected, including a makeshift kitchen set up in our living room. What I didn’t expect is the impact all this dis-order would have on me. You see, when things become messy and uncomfortable, rather than accept and be with what is, I tend to VEER and start something new which only adds more mess to my space.

Here is the irony: the mere act of starting something new only adds more mess, disruption, and disorganization to my environment. This often leads to overeating to soothe myself and letting myself off the hook with my other commitments such as blowing off my workouts. Again, this went on for a few days before I was able to regroup and get back on track.
And here is what I discovered:
I know I’ll love it in the end. It’s just dealing with the current disruption. Lots to unpack. Many lessons were learned. More on this next week…