Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Go Fast or Go Far…The Gift of Collaboration

Hi, it's Denise Roberts again, and I love collaboration. There is nothing like people coming together with different perspectives and working on an outcome to produce a result. You see, I have seen how impactful that can be to getting what you want quicker. As a matter of fact, there's an old African proverb that says "If you want to go fast go by yourself; but if you want to go far go with others." And that's exactly what happens.

Let me give an example. One day I was working with my writing coach, Robert Palmer, and I was just frustrated. I was stopped, I couldn't go any further, and he said "What's going on?" And I told him and he said, "Denise you know what to do. Just apply what you've learned."And just like that everything shifted.

Anxiety left the room, creativity came back, I was able to produce the result and I actually enjoyed it. That's when I saw that's exactly what happens when you're in a Playing To Win Together Team, and that's why I created them. Because this was a void I had in my life. It's that collaboration, it's that perspective that the answers are in this room. Someone else can see what you can't, and that is a game-changer for me and for those who have worked with us inside these kinds of environments. That's why we created Playing To Win Together Teams. So next week we'll talk more about how to use this and get to your results quicker. Stay tuned!