Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Guided Practice: And Why it Matters
Hello everybody, it's Denise Roberts. This is week two of my journey to get back to my fit body. If you remember in my previous blogs, I've talked about in order to do that there are a few things I need to correct. One is some immobility in my neck and the other is some leaky gut issues.
So, I'm working with a physical therapist as well as a nutritionist. So today I want to focus on what's happening with the physical therapist. Last week I touched on it. I said that how I'm doing my practice sessions was to hurry up and get through them; versus taking my time and noticing "am I improving," "am I using the right muscles." This week I made a video because I want to demonstrate something to you
There is modeling what you want (showing them), then there is guided practice, and then there is independent practice. So as I'm working with Dr. Mike, he is modeling for me, laying on my table facedown, arm hanging over, and "when I tell you I want you to lift your right arm and I want you to hold it up there for 10 seconds." Okay. So I did just that. And he goes "no no no, you're using the trap muscles you are not using the muscle I want you to use. So let's do it again."
So he's tapping the muscle he wants me to use so I do it again. And I still can't get the muscle he wants engaged. So he physically holds it and then he has me lift it - much more difficult. Not something I would do on my own or could do on my own yet. So what he has now done is he's added a guided practice to this and he's added this before he asked me to do it independently. He's also assessing; can I do it on my own? The answer is, right now, not without his help because that muscle is still not used to firing.
Now, I was sharing this conversation with my writing coach - Robert Palmer - who spent years in the educational system. And he said, "this is the missing piece in education, it's the guided practice." You see, teachers often tell us what they want us to learn, maybe even show us, and then they assign independent practice. "Go write a paper," "go do this formula," "here's the homework assignment." And without that guided practice often many of us, like me, can't get to the right area and in that, we are judged, we are assessed, we are graded, and that goes on for our whole educational system. And then we go into the workforce and our leaders have been taught by that. So they show us what they want us to do and then they say "go do it."
But without the guided practice to get there often many of us can't produce a result or we fail. So this is the piece I want us to look at. This is why inside of a Playing to Win Team we focus in on that guided practice because to just assign work and then expect an outcome - whether we assign it or they assign it - is often too much too soon.
So stay tuned; more to come on this. I'll share with you how I'm seeing this actually work and not work inside of business environments. See you next week, bye-bye.