Part 1 - Ideas and Action
Have you ever had an idea that you think could make a difference and wondered “How could I make money doing this?”

You start sharing your idea with others and ask what they think and then more ideas bubble up, “I think you should do this, and what about that? It is in conversation that ideas bubble up and the more conversations had, the more ideas pop up and it can be fun and exhilarating.

Can Cause Swirl…
But I’ve seen ideas without action lead to swirl, especially when one keeps expanding the conversation by asking “What else could be done?” This swirl leads to doubt, uncertainty, and hesitancy, which leads to more conversations. (How many of you know what I’m talking about?)

And Get Stuck In Your Head…
Juicy conversations bubble up all sorts of possibilities but without taking action, without taking steps daily and tracking what you are learning from those actions you can get stuck in your head, fretting and stopped by paralysis of analysis.

And Explode Your Brain.
A confused mind doesn’t make a decision. It gets stuck (and can cause headaches when it blows up!!)

Avoid That!!!
Believe it or not, action actually helps quiet the mind and if you track daily, you can see how you are moving toward what you want to create and accomplish. Otherwise, the mind tells you that you didn’t do anything worthwhile today.

We've Seen This Before!
You will start to doubt the likelihood of being able to monetize your idea thinking you need to do more research. Notice you are now back in your head, and around and around you go on the Merry-Go-Round (are you dizzy yet?)

It's Time To Combine…
It’s Idea AND Action. You know where you want to go, and you know where you are, get out of your head and just start moving, get in action, and you can always course correct.

And Take One Step At A Time!
Don’t try to figure it all out; all you need to do is take a step, and that will lead to the next step, and the next step - keep putting one foot in front of the other. Stay tuned - we’ll dive in deeper next week.