Allow me to introduce you to the Emotional Cycle of Change coined by psychologists Don Kelly & Darrell Connor. The Emotional Cycle of Change outlines how our emotional responses will alter as we go through a new experience. By understanding this we will be able to anticipate the emotional roller coaster we are now embarking on, and how to stay on the ride to get to the other side.

Stage 1
You see, when you formulated your idea, you were filled with Uninformed Optimism -Stage 1 on the Emotional Cycle of Change.

Stage 2
Then as time went on and this great idea is not generating the kind of money you expected, you drop down to Informed Pessimism (“Wow, this is harder than I thought) - Stage 2 of the Emotional Cycle of Change.

Stage 2
And now you are getting anxious and doubting your plan to monetize an idea and starting to make massive changes, when often what was needed was more time, some minor changes, and sticking to the plan. Now, feelings of fear and uncertainty come flooding and carry you to The Valley of Despair. Stage 3 of the Emotional Cycle of Change.
Now you will question every step you take and wonder, “Is this really worth it?” This is where 99% of us give up. This stage is really interesting because many who quit here go back to Stage 1-Uninformed Optimism. We start to tell ourselves things like; “I just picked the wrong market; if I shifted direction, I could make it work.”
Now, here is the really sad part - most of us get stuck in a cycle between these 3 stages, and like a kid on a slide, end up in the dirt and try it again and again and again-1,2,3 - 1,2,3 - 1,2,3…

Want to know how to get beyond this to monetize an idea? Come back next week where we will share a way to move through the Valley of Despair and onto Stages 4 & 5.