Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

New Year’s Resolution: Changing My M.O.
Last week I mentioned I would be starting a new 12-Week Playing to Win Together Team on Monday, focused on keeping a New Year’s Resolution, which I did. Typically, I would want help from the group around business goals, however this year I chose a personal goal. I want to get back to the fitness level I used to have. I came to the session wanting my former fit body back and to lose 23.8 lbs. (I had just weighed myself)!
unnamed (66)
PTW Team co-leader, Charlotte Myers, took us through a visualization exercise and asked us these questions:
  • How will I feel 12 weeks from now? (Short term)
  • Reflecting back on 2023, what would my future self feel like having achieved this outcome? (Longer term)
  • What do I need to do, or not do in 2023 to get this feeling?
  • What is 1 small next step can I take to move me towards this?
What I noticed is how I shifted from what actions I thought I needed to take to get my former fit body back (eat healthily, work out more, etc.) to what I needed to not do; (push, force, and deny myself).
Don’t get me wrong, I have accomplished much in my life from pushing, forcing, and denying myself, but, for me, it wasn’t sustainable. Force vs. flow, pain vs. pleasure, chore vs. enjoyment…our emotional brain doesn't like pushing - even when it's to sustain a New Year's Resolution!
This time what if I come at this more from self-care and mindfulness: Yoga vs. Boot Camp? Wow, can this really work??? Can I really change my M.O. to achieve my New Year's Resolution? Time will tell as Quitter's Day is right around the corner.
I'd love your thoughts on this…