Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Perceived Likelihood of Achievement

I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen that the Perceived Likelihood of Achievement is what has me VEER off course more than anything else when pursuing my goals and desired outcomes.

Let me explain:

I recently was introduced to the work of Alex Hormozi, author of the book, $100M Offers, in which he shares and talks about the Value Equation below:


Here's how this applies to me:

My Dream Outcome (my former fit body) x My Perceived Likelihood of Achievement (TBD)
÷(divided by)
Time Delay (How long it will take) x Effort & Sacrifice (Sore Muscles & Restrictive Foods )

Here's my Value Equation:


In his book, he provides the following step-by-step process to getting there.

Step 1: Identify Dream Outcome (Done)
Step 2: List all the obstacles, struggles, and limiting thoughts you are likely to encounter (Done)
Step 3: List all those obstacles as solutions
Step 4: Figure out all the different ways we could deliver those solutions
Step 5: Trim down those ways to only the things that are of the highest value and the lowest cost

I’m looking forward to using his process to help me stay the course and improve my Perceived Likelihood of Achievement to getting back to my former healthy fit body.

Next week’s blog I’ll tackle Step 3-Listing all those obstacles as solutions! Really looking forward to that (note the sarcasm!!) - don’t know how that’s going to come out!