Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Playing to Win Together…Part 1
Playing to Win Together...It's a Process.
Hello everybody, it's Denise Roberts. And in last week's blog, I talked about the Playing to Win Together process. I'm going to take you through the pieces of that.
First of all, there's the big umbrella of what playing to win together is all about. You see it is a supportive, applied learning environment or community inside your business. So what I mean by that is what we do iswe take the team, we take the people who are to produce an outcome and they're maybe not getting there or not getting there fast enough. So what we do is we put them inside of this Playing to Win Together team and what we now do is we work collectively rather than everybody working independently. Which is what most businesses do. I refer to that as paddling in their own canoe versus rowing together. Because when they row together, magic happens.
It doesn't happen immediately but it happens and here's how it works.
Typically everyone's been doing their own thing and then trying to bring the pieces together but they learn quicker, they work faster if they work inside an environment where they apply something, they take some information, now they go do something with it, and then they come back and they get feedback. It worked or it didn't work. But the key is it is feedback without a lot of shame or judgment. We learn from it, we move on, we make a new commitment, and we do it again. And we keep doing this.
And this is how our clients have gotten game-changing results in record time. Because now they are learning from each other, learning off of each other, and growing together.
So next week we'll talk more about some of this in greater detail, so stay tuned!
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