This is the Results Model Version 1.0, and it’s showing your Results impact your Behaviors and your behaviors lead to your Beliefs.
If you follow this direction it’s saying: If you want better Results, you need to improve your Behaviors, (Actions) and that, in turn, will shift your Beliefs (Mindset).
This top-down process operates in a Force mode and in my experience can produce results - but they don’t sustain. Many now see that model needs to be turned around and Flow the other way (remember force vs. flow?) Change one’s Beliefs they will change their Behaviors and improve their Results.

This is the Results Model Version 2.0, and it’s showing your Results come from your Behaviors and your behaviors come from your Beliefs.
However; I recently met Deb Brown Maher, who adds new depth to this idea and shares the following concepts:
This intrigued me because I’ve seen this play out so many times in business and in my own personal life.
As you can see; Belief is the driving force in this equation. So how do we change our deeply ingrained Beliefs?
In the upcoming weeks, I will unpack this with Deb Brown Maher, stay tuned!!!