Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

School of Transformation: My Line In The Sand
You're among the first to know about my School of Transformation!

I feel like I'm …

Jumping off a cliff, Being vulnerable, Taking a risk, Creating what I am meant to create!

I have put a line in the sand! Curious? Learn more below.

Hello everybody it's Denise Roberts and for years I have coached, trained, and consulted with hundreds of individuals and companies to help them get the results that they want. And over that time I've observed that some people can make their dreams come true and sadly many can't.
So I've talked about lots of those things that I've noticed in the past, I've written about them, I've blogged about them and what I've now decided to do is create a vehicle, a process, a way to help people grow into their capabilities, and be who they're meant to be. We all have great opportunities and great potential - just many of us don't believe it.
So I am here to tell you I am launching something called the School of Transformation and it will be coming in September. So this will be a way to help people come in and go through a process of ups and downs dealing with their concerns, their doubt, their fears, their uncertainties - all the things that will come up for them. And to help them come through the other way, to stay the course, and become who they're meant to be.

So, I'm making that announcement here now and we'll be launching it as I said in September. More to come - stay tuned!