Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

The Way Forward – Stay the Course

Last week’s blog talked about how to stay the course and have Strategic Patience, a phrase coined by Dorie Clark in her book called The Long Game. Clark says, “it could take 2-3 years before you see 'raindrops' but, within 5 years you will be far ahead of the pack if you stay the course.”

So, how do you stay the course, not get discouraged, and switch gears when you aren’t seeing the results you want in the timeframe you want to see them in?

Apply this:
  • Surround yourself with others with who you make weekly commitments
  • Fulfill those commitments
  • Come back to your group and tell them what worked, what didn’t, and what you learned
  • Listen for their feedback, insights, and encouragement
  • Make another commitment to apply your learning the following week
When you do these 5 things week after week, this is what will happen:
  • Your frustrations begin to minimize as you realize that just because it doesn’t look like what we thought it should doesn’t mean it’s not working
  • You will start to measure your gains not your gap
  • You will resist the urge to veer or start something new

This is the essence of a POD, providing the space, time, and support needed to stay with something versus reacting to what’s not happening, becoming impatient, and wanting to switch gears.

Want to know more? Contact me today.