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Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

The Cycle of Change: Managing Emotions

The Cycle of Change. It’s a rollercoaster. We start at the top of the hill, excited and enthusiastic, ready to take on the world. We then begin the descent and start to feel a little less optimistic - change is hard!

We crash into the Valley of Despair. It’s here that most people stay. You’ve tumbled down the slide and don’t have enough momentum to continue on. It’s easier to give up and fool ourselves into thinking that we’ve found a better way. It’s simply quitting, no matter how you phrase it.

Climbing out and up requires sheer will and determination. It’s tough to muster that on our own! Self-doubt, defeatism, and frustration can easily overwhelm us and cause us to quit. When we quit in the Valley of Despair, we go back to the beginning and start the process all over again (and end up in the same place!).

How, then, can we power through the tough stuff and gain upward momentum? It’s pretty hard alone.

My observations and experiences have been that, when surrounded by others in a supportive, applied learning environment, we’re more likely to find that momentum. This can be the bridge that will get you to your quantum leap.


One of our POD members was feeling pretty defeated. After our group discussed the Emotional Cycle of Change, she said, “Thank you! I am currently in the Valley of Despair. Seeing this made me realize that if I don’t push through, I will have to start all over again at stage one and I don’t want to go through this again.”


When we’re alone in the Valley of Despair, it’s easier to give up on ourselves and our goals. It’s hard to see beyond what’s right in front of us. When others come alongside us, magic happens:

  • Others are able to see what we can’t see ourselves
  • Input, suggestions, and encouragement start the upward momentum
  • It’s harder to give up when others are holding you accountable

My observation is when you are alone you are relying on willpower to get you through, but willpower has a fatigue factor. Over the years I’ve learned that the environment you are in is greater than your will, so why not put yourself in an environment that is pulling you forward, supporting and uplifting you?

Until you’ve lived it firsthand, it’s hard to understand the power of a Playing to Win environment. It’s one of those things everyone should experience during their Cycle of Change. Curious? Try it for yourself - contact me.
