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Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

The Game Changer
Since Covid, I have helped dozens of women pursue their dreams and here is what I discovered.
Before the pandemic, I drove results for companies and individuals by focusing on their goals, having them make commitments and holding them accountable and coaching them to fulfilling their commitments. And even though we produced some amazing results, I saw their transformation was not sustaining.
Then I discovered what was missing; you see; goals, commitments, coaching and accountability are all important components but without a special kind of environment, a community; that supports, encourages and contributes; we will deviate and veer off course when confronted with adversity. When it takes longer than you think, and it always does, we start to doubt the path we are on.
As we move from Optimism (Let’s do it), to Pessimism (Wow, this is harder than I thought)and spiral down into the Valley of Despair (This is NEVER going to work!) 99% of us will let doubt take us out, give up and start something else vs. pushing through the adversity and getting the other side
What I’m describing is the Predictable Emotional Cycle of Change.
Here is the sad truth; 99% of us won’t push past Stage 3 through to success. Instead, we will quit and start something else and I believe this is because we are trying to do it all by ourselves and we just can’t!
That’s where the support of the community comes in, the community is looking at your situation from a different perspective, and can see what you can’t. The community will help you measure the gains you are making, not the gaps you are seeing. The community will have you see each challenge and obstacle as a way of getting you closer to your goals. Now you are Playing to Win Together, pushing through the doubts and discomfort and continuing to put one foot in front of the other as you transform your circumstances.
Think of it as Rowing together vs. Paddling all by yourself.
This is a game changer!