Gotta love a great hack for when you're veering off course!
Last week I vlogged (a video blog), saying; “It’s not What You Know or Who You Know It’s What You Implement that leads to game-changing results.”
I said it all starts with identifying your Dream Outcome. I also mentioned the best way to Implement is to create short-term goals, something that can be achieved in 12 weeks to have you “Stay the Course” because you will get distracted and want to veer off course, especially if your Dream Outcome may take years to obtain.
So please allow me to demonstrate by sharing what I have started doing when I start veering off course.
You see my Dream Outcome is to have our clients accomplish their Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) by using the Playing to Win Together System (shameless teaser for next week’s blog). And I too have created 12-week short-term goals for myself and, truth be told, when things get difficult or seem unclear, I’m tempted to veer with any convenient distraction that pops up in my space. All of a sudden, I feel the need to check my email or answer that text that binged or do a Google search on something. How many of you know what I’m talking about?
And although it seems harmless, the impact is more unfinished ideas, projects, and incompletions piling up and pushing me further away from accomplishing my goals. So here is a fun hack of what I committed to do the next time I feel the need to stray. I set a timer for 15 minutes and push through whatever it is that I didn’t want to do and see what happens.

By the way, it works, because that is exactly what I did to finish this blog today as my 15-minute timer just went off!
Try it and let me know how it works for you!