Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

What Got You Here Won’t Keep You Here…

Now, I don't know about you but the first time I heard those words it was very disruptive and disconcerting. Hi I'm Denise Roberts and I want to share with you the insight I had from watching the movie that is now streaming on Amazon Prime, it's called Air. And it's the story of the relationship that was made and the contract that was made with Michael Jordan and Nike, and how that contract pushed Nike into the stratosphere.

Now, I don't want to ruin it for you but the key takeaway from me from that movie is that you have to have other perspectives when you are making decisions inside your organization. The CEO of Nike is Phil Knight and Phil had his own vision of how the businesses run, and who our market is, and how we generate revenues and generate business, and one of his employees had a different vision. And they all wanted to sign Michael Jordan but as the story progresses it's the input of Phil Knight being willing to look at it from a different perspective and shift his paradigm. And it was several people that were impactful in this decision. Again, watch the movie, you'll get it.

But the key takeaway is that collaboration. It's that "I can see this and you can see that but together we can see this." And that's what's needed so often. And I see this all the time when I work with people. It's about collaborating and especially engaging those who are in the trenches and most closely relating to your customers.

So, if you find yourself at any point going "That's not how we built this, that's not how we got here," consider that that could be the beginning of your end if you don't shift that paradigm to "What got you here won't keep you here."

More to come next week. We'll talk about Coca-Cola and some of the paradigm shifts that it went through. Stay tuned! Looking for a little support with this? Contact me.