Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

What Language Do You Speak?
What language do you speak? What language do they speak? How to use the DISC profile to communicate more effectively... Here are my thoughts. I'd love to hear yours!
Hi it's Denise Roberts again - and in our last video we talked about wanting to be accepted and understood. And I mentioned how when we don't feel that way we feel made wrong and we start to go in a vicious cycle of pointing fingers, laying blame, and so on. So I want to talk about where that comes from. So I want to use the DISC profile and I want to give you some quick tips about it. For example, in the DISC this is four different ways of looking and thinking and speaking. And so none of us are just one we are often a combination - but we usually have a predominant one.

So inside of DISC the mindset or MO is get it done. So the D stands for a driver - driving results, driving activity. The I stands for influencer and their MO is get approved or get recognized. And so then we go to the S, which is their profile is let's get along so it's referred to as steady. And then the C thinks and operates from "get it right," and so they are referred to as conscientious.

Now why I tell you that is when different mindsets or thought processes or MO's interact someone can feel misunderstood or not accepted or made wrong. For example - those of you that are "get it right" are probably looking at this video going "oh Denise this should be this way" or "it could be that way" or whatever. And my MO is influencer and I could feel misunderstood and because I want to get it approved or recognized, I want to get it out there, I want to share it with people. So I could easily be triggered and go down those "yeah but" modes that we talked about last week - which is I could explain well why I did it the way I did it, or I could defend - "I didn't have the great fill in the blank that I wanted to have" or I could point fingers and say "I needed to get it done." So just notice that this is how and why often we feel misunderstood. Now what the key to this is being aware - aware that you may think and operate and speak differently than someone else does. And it's not that they're making you wrong. It's just they speak a different language. So think of it as you're speaking French and they are speaking German.

So again more to unpack, just wanted to leave you with that tidbit. See you next week - take care, bye-bye.