Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

What’s in the Way?

We commit to take action. And then we don't. Why is that? And what's in the way?  Here are my thoughts. I'd love to hear yours!

Hi - Denise here. So, I want to share with you - last week I spoke to a woman's group called Fempreneur and several women made commitments about making videos and I was one of them.

They all followed through and I just realized I hadn't completed it. So, I looked at what was in my way.

Why was I hesitating? Why did I let other things get in the way?

A lot of it boiled down to - and I talked about this in the first video - concern about not saying it right, not doing it right, and if I really go back to the purpose of this, it's to share with people that you can do it. Just give them the support.  You know, I was having a conversation with my coach and she was telling me that one of the things that she's noticed about me is that I'm results-oriented but I provide support for people to help them achieve their results. And her comment was this:

“Results without support is exhausting. And support without results is frustrating.”

So what happens when you put the two together? That's what I'm about. That's why we created Playing To Win Teams.

Alright guys, that's it for today. I'll talk again soon, bye-bye.