Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Winning vs. Losing: Using Beliefs to Drive Results
Winning vs. losing is more dependent on your mindset than you may realize. Last week I introduced Deb Brown Maher’s concept that:

Beliefs always drive behavior, and behavior will repeat until an outside influence causes a change in beliefs.

So, a behavior I have when I don’t produce a result in my desired timeframe is I go into frenetic action to try to “fix” it.

  •   My belief is: Something is Wrong- Fix it!
  • My behavior is: Start taking Massive Action to correct the situation- All hands on deck!
  • The result is: Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t (no surprise)
Winning vs. losing - using beliefs to fuel behaviors that lead to results

Let’s look at what I experience when it works:

When I produce the result using the “All hands on deck behavior” I become anxious, creativity leaves the room and everything becomes HARD.

And even though I “Won” there is little to no joy in the win, it feels like a shaky victory as I start to doubt myself and my ability to maintain it. So even though I “Won” I lost, didn’t I?

No surprise here because - My Beliefs didn’t change.

Stay tuned, more to unfold from this Ah Ha!


Winning vs. losing - increasing belief and minimizing doubt.