Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Are You Playing to Win?
Or Playing Not to Lose?

Yeah, But…
It's a Choice to Coast or Journey Forward - My thoughts on Yeah, But...

Hello everybody, it's Denise Roberts! We're coming to the end of the year and most people at this time of year kind of go into Coast mode and think about enjoying the holidays, and time with family and friends, and that's great. And others are planning for what they want for 2024.

I on the other hand have been taking a group of people and we are doing a Resiliency Training for the month Of December. We meet every week and we're going to be talking about teeing ourselves up for 2024 - the things that we want to accomplish. And we're looking at it from the first quarter.

The other thing I'd ask you to look at - because our class is full now - is that you can come along on this journey with us and make a list of everything you want to have accomplished by the end of the first quarter of 2024. And then I want you to compare that with the list of the "yeah, buts."

"I want this but I probably can't get it because of..."

I want you to make two lists. One is the outcomes you want, and one is the reasons why you probably can't have them. It's that comparison that will help you make this transition because that's when the resiliency needs to come in - the mental and emotional stamina to face challenges and adversities and still have fun and get the job done.

So stay tuned and we'll talk more about it each week as we progress with our group. Take care!